The Monk-Dug Canal - Youth for Peace
The Canal
During the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), people in Cambodia were subjected to different forms of torture and maltreatment such as starvation, hard labour, and physical and psychological abuse. During this time, the Khmer Rouge tried to eliminate Buddhism and the forced disrobement of monks whom the Khmer Rouge called ‘parasites of society’. As such, around 300 monks in various pagodas in Battambang province were gathered to stay in Samrong Knong pagoda in Ek Phnom district. From January to April 1976 after the rice harvesting season, all the monks were forced to construct a canal for agricultural purposes. The canal is approximately 1,500 meters in length, 4 meters in width, and 2 meters in depth. This canal is now known as "monk-dug canal".